Front page pf a document called Year in Review

Year in Review 2023-2024

A look back over the past financial year recognising the challenges and achievements within St Margaret's.

Front page pf a document called Year in Review

The Year in Review highlights the collective achievements of the hospice over the last twelve months. It demonstrates how we have continued to put collaboration and partnership at the heart of what we do, so that we can extend our reach, and share our expertise so more people across Somerset benefit. This includes supporting a vibrant learning environment, where we not only provide enriching student placements but participate in research and prioritise continuous professional development. We continue to pioneer the use of simulation learning and are exploring how we can utilise virtual reality to enhance the experiences of patients, family members and staff. We’ve prioritised strengthening our workforce, to ensure we can attract and retain the best people, and we have continued to take a digital first approach to ensure we are more efficient, as well as a data and insight driven organisation.The Hospice has taken great strides forward over the last year, and we are incredibly proud of all that  our colleagues, volunteers, and the wider community have been able to collectively achieve for patients and their families throughout Somerset.